Sancho Iturbide

The carlin and cornados of the so-called Bernart Lonjuhac of the Beguinage. Addendum

When I publish a blog entry, I look back and take a final look at the published topic. In this one, when I talked about Sancho Iturbide and his Carlins, I regretted that I had left out Bernart Lonjuhac. I stopped to look at the second manuscript sent by the Royal Archives of Navarre, which shows us the agreement between Bernart and the royal court. This one still […]

The carlin and cornados of the so-called Bernart Lonjuhac of the Beguinage. Addendum Read More »

The Carlinas of Navarre by Sancho Iturbide

I haven't published any new entries lately, I've been a bit lazy or more than lazy about the many problems and headaches, I've had a hard time focusing on the vast amount of material I'm working on. Actually, I've been researching the coins of the Prince of Viana, but while I was doing that, another anecdote has directed my work. Don Johan por la gra de Dios Rey de Navarra

The Carlinas of Navarre by Sancho Iturbide Read More »
