Pierres Pelayn

First Coinage Period of Kings Catherine and John of Navarre (1487-1495)

Katalina eta Juan erregeen txanpongintzari begiratu ezkero, Nafar erresuma bateratu eta burujabeak izandako azken txanpongintzari buruz hitz egingo dugunaren aipua egin behar dugu. Txanpongintza anitz, aberats eta zabala da, 1487. eta 1512. urteen artean eman zena. Errege hauen agintaldia 1483 eta 1517. urteean artean eman bazen ere, 1487. urterarte Frantzisko Feboren izenean landu zituzten nafar […]

First Coinage Period of Kings Catherine and John of Navarre (1487-1495) Read More »

Navarrese Coins and Accounts of King Francis Phoebus

King Francis Phoebus is not a well-known king in modern Navarre, having died at the age of just fourteen, after inheriting the throne from his grandmother Eleanor of Trastamara. A member of the Foix family, sovereign lord of Bearn through his grandfather and father's succession, he held the crown for four years, between 1479 and January 1483, before abdicating to his sister Catherine. Some believe that he died of tuberculosis,

Navarrese Coins and Accounts of King Francis Phoebus Read More »
