Pernando VII

When Spanish Language Appeared on Basque coins

As we saw in the previous entry (link), the French Revolution brought about a complete change in the patterns of coins in the North. But what was happening in the South at the same time or periods? Well, at the time of the revolution in France, the kingdom of Spain remained rooted in the old regime. Through the use of Latin, coinage indicated that the king's power had a divine origin. Several kings passed, but […]

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The Restruck 10 reales of Ferdinand VII

Reign: Ferdinand VII of Spain, Ferdinand III of Navarre. Liberal Triennial Type: 10 Reales Reissued Year: The year 1821 is indicated on the coin, between January and June 1822 Mint: Provisional Mint of Bilbao Edge: Fluted Edge Engraving: ————– Metal: Silver (about 917 thousandths, law of 11 coins) Diameter: 34 mm Weight: 13.10 gr Mintage: By wheel press Mintmaster: Manuel Domingo

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