Donapaleuko txanponetxea

Coinage Accounts of the Old Mint of Donapaleu/Saint Palais

In the previous section, we explained the monetary report sent by Paulo Girardi to the reformer Guillaume le Soterel. In that introduction, we presented the influence this report had on the coins minted at the beginning of the reign of Charles II. Charles II was crowned on June 27, 1350, in the cathedral of Pamplona. Shortly thereafter, in November, the courts of Estella approved a minting tax for the purpose of minting a new Navarrese currency. The new Navarrese currency […]

Coinage Accounts of the Old Mint of Donapaleu/Saint Palais Read More »

Paulo Girardi and his Navarrese Currency Report

Les minieres de Navarre qui sont descouvertes jusques au jour d'uy, qui est Saturday 13e jour de May, l'an MIL CCC XL sont cestes: Premierement la miniere d'Urrovy. L'autre si est la mineere dessouz la ville de Miscoz et peut estre loign de celle d'Urrovy la quarte part d'une lieue, et est d'argent et de

Paulo Girardi and his Navarrese Currency Report Read More »

Bertrand de la Lande, Navarrese Works of the Bayonne Mint Chief

Today we will be investigating Bertrand de la Lande, a citizen of Bayonne and lord of the village of Gayon in Bearn. Bertrand was appointed mintmaster of the mints of Navarre and Bearn on November 30, 1589, a few months after King Henry III of Navarre became King Henry IV of France. Our Bertrand obtained a six-year loan agreement with Morlaas, Pau

Bertrand de la Lande, Navarrese Works of the Bayonne Mint Chief Read More »

Silver Shields of Louis II

Among the specimens struck at Donapoleun, the ones that have gained the least fame and honor are the silver quarters and eighths of Louis II (Louis XIII of France). While a fair amount of work can be found on the coinage of his father Henri III, little can be found on the coinage of Louis II, struck at the mints of Bearn and Navarre. One reason for this lack of appeal is that during Louis' reign

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1589, the Year of the Three Kings

As we saw in the section dedicated to the Navarrese livres of Henry III, the year 1584 was the last year of the minting of the Navarrese livres. The same year was also the first year of the minting of the quarter escudos minted in Donapala; at the same time that the minting of the livres and half escudos was ending, the minting of the quarter escudos began at Donapala. By order of King Henry III of France of November 28, 1577

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The Liberes of Navarre under the Good King Henry III

In this blog dedicated to Basque coinage, we have not yet talked about Henry III. Today, we will talk about Henry's coinage, or rather about a short period of his coinage. There is much to talk about Henry's life; after being King of Navarre from 1572 to 1589, from that year he became King of France and Navarre. But being a Higanote,

The Liberes of Navarre under the Good King Henry III Read More »
