
Berdabio, the Bertsolari Counterfeiter of Navarre

I enjoy listening to podcasts. I usually listen to those about history and stories. Among the Basque language podcasts, I often listen to Kirmen Uribe's New Yorkeko Munduak, Paperezko Itsasoa, La Biblioteca Perdida's Iraganeko Kronikak and Zuzeu Podcast's Euskal Gaizkileak. In fact, a few weeks ago I was listening to the show "Berdabioko Atea" from the Euskal Gaizkileak show. And what the hell, in this story […]

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Queen Joanne's Pau Testons

Reign: Joan III. Queen of Navarre, Joan I. Lady of Béarn Type: Teston Year: 1566 Mint: Pau Mint Edge: Irregular Edge Engraving: ————– Metal: Silver (about 898 thousandths) Diameter: 28 mm Weight: 9.41 gr Quantity: 292,320 testons and half testons between 1564 and 1566 Mintage: Pressed by flywheel, silver rolled by mill Mintmaster: Étienne Bergeron (Land of the Moon)

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Navarre Shall Be the Wonder of the World

“Navarre shall be the wonder of the world”… these words were uttered by the English writer Shakespeare in the play “Love's Lavour's Lost” to King Ferdinand of Navarre. Shakespeare wrote this play in the mid-1590s, and although he named the king of Navarre Ferdinand, the Navarre mentioned in it is the Navarre of Henry III, consisting of Lower Navarre and Bearn, around the end of the 16th century.

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When Spanish Language Appeared on Basque coins

As we saw in the previous entry (link), the French Revolution brought about a complete change in the patterns of coins in the North. But what was happening in the South at the same time? Well, at the time of the revolution in France, the kingdom of Spain was still rooted in the old regime. Through the use of Latin, the coinage indicated that the king's power had a divine origin. Several kings passed, but

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When French Language appeared on Basque coins

As we saw in the previous entry (link), the French Revolution brought about a complete change in European political thought. This change took place throughout the 19th century in different European territories, where the creation and expansion of the nation-state occurred as the century passed. At the same time that the old regime was fading away, new nation-states began to build the foundations of their symbols, myths and structures.

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The Restruck 10 reales of Ferdinand VII

Reign: Ferdinand VII of Spain, Ferdinand III of Navarre. Liberal Triennial Type: 10 Reales Reissued Year: The year 1821 is indicated on the coin, between January and June 1822 Mint: Provisional Mint of Bilbao Edge: Fluted Edge Engraving: ————– Metal: Silver (about 917 thousandths, law of 11 coins) Diameter: 34 mm Weight: 13.10 gr Mintage: By wheel press Mintmaster: Manuel Domingo

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Henry II and Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

Another very important contribution of Henry II was his support for the creation of written Basque literature. After the priest Bernard Etxepare wrote “Linguae vasconum primitiae”, the first book to be printed in Basque, it was published in Bordeaux in 1545, after receiving financial support from Henry. The only known copy of the book Linguae Vasconum Primitiae is kept in the Bibliothèque de France in Paris. The significance of this event

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Henry II – Historical Context – Part 2

The exiled kings of Navarre never renounced their rights to the crown. During the reigns of Francis I of France and Charles I of Spain (in practice, during the viceroyalty of Cardinal Cisneros), between May and August 1516, the Congresses of Noyon were held to discuss the conflicts between the two great kingdoms. After the second reconquest of the Kingdom of Navarre, Catherine of Foix, the new widow of King John III of Labritja,

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